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International Cooperation

 Technical Cooperation and Information Exchange in Nuclear Power

Based on the understanding that securing nuclear safety is a global task, Japanese Government carries out activities to secure and improve nuclear safety worldwide through international organizations, bilateral agreements, etc.

In line with such policy, JEPIC has implemented the under mentioned cooperation programs on nuclear power generation since FY 1985 under the contracts with or subsidy from government / agency.

① Technical Cooperation on Safety
(with subsidy from Japan Keirin Association) {from FY1985 to FY2001}

② "International Invitation Program for Safety Management at NPPs"
(under contract with METI) {from FY1992 to FY2001}

③ "International Cooperation Program for Safety Management at NPPs"
(under contract with METI) {from FY2002 to FY2006}

④ "International Training Program for Safety Management at NPPs"
(under contract with METI) {from FY2006 to FY2014}

⑤ "Fundamental Infrastructure Arrangement for Nuclear Power Plant Introduction"
(under contract with JICC, sponsorship of METI) {since FY2014 to FY2015}

⑥ "Training Course on NPP Infrastructure Development"
(under contract with JICC, sponsorship of METI) {since FY2016}

⑦ Acceptance of delegations from foreign counterparts
{since FY1985}

JEPIC has been conducting the technical information exchange meetings with nuclear power operators of Russia, Ukraine and China.

The following charts show cumulative number of participants (2,640) from overseas in the training course and the technical information exchange meetings held in Japan, and of experts and our partners (629) dispatched from Japan to the training courses held in overseas, by countries/region from FY1985 to FY2023.

In addition, JEPIC has dispatched a total of 288 personnel to 17 countries for coordination meeting and project assessment from FY1985 to FY2023.

Number of Training participants in Japan for Nuclear Safety Program and Information Exchange 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 '85 '90 '95 '00 '05 '10 '15 '20 '23 2,640 (as of FY2023)
China   Russia    Ukraine    Vietnam    Philippines    Bulgaria    Hungary   
Czech    Slovakia    Romania    Lithuania    Taiwan    Armenia    Korea   
Indonesia    Estonia    Poland    Türkiye    Ghana    Latvia    JICA   
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