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International Cooperation

Technical Cooperation under JICA Program

JEPIC has been undertaking the implementation of the following technical cooperation that is one of JICA's programs under official development assistance.

1) JICA Knowledge Co-Creation (KCC) Program

JEPIC conducts two courses of KCC Program (Group & Region Focus and Country Focus) for participants from developing countries aiming at transfer of technologies in the electric power field, under the contracts with JICA.

Group & Region Focus course is for participants from several countries of the world. JICA prepares subject and program independently for KCC Program.

Country Focus course is for specific countries. The subject and program of the KCC Program is created cooperatively between JICA and a country who wishes to take the KCC Program.

In FY2023, the following KCC programs were implemented;

<< Group & Region Focus course >>
a. Power Distribution Grid A
b. Power Distribution Grid B
c. Stabilizing Power Systems to Introduce Various Kinds of Renewable Energy(A)
d. Stabilizing Power Systems to Introduce Various Kinds of Renewable Energy(B)
e. Power Grid Planning and Operation(A)
f. Power Grid Planning and Operation(B)
g. Effective operation of thermal power generation
h. Promotion of Hydropower Development

In fiscal 2023, we accepted 61 trainees for 8 assignment-specific training courses.

The number of trainees accepted by country from 1958 to the end of 2023, when the Overseas Electricity Research Council was established, is 3,613 as shown in the table below.

Number of Participants by country in Knowledge Co-Creation (KCC) Program through FY1958 – FY2023
2) Recruitment of JICA Experts and other cooperation

JEPIC recruits JICA Experts from among Japan's Electric power companies, who are to be dispatched by JICA to government agencies of developing countries aimed at technical cooperation and policy advice.

JEPIC has recruited total 77 JICA long-term Experts and 194 JICA Short-term Experts from FY1989 to FY2023. As of the end of FY2023, a JICA Expert have been dispatched to Cambodia.

◀ Cooperation with Power
Utilities of ASEAN Countries
Technical Cooperation and
Information Exchange in Nuclear Power ▶

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