Activities of JEPIC : FY2022
- 2023.03.28
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (FY2022)"Power Grid Planning and Operation (B)"
- 2023.03.27
- FY2022 JEPIC seminar in Laos on "Monitoring and maintenance planning of distribution system and emergency outage maintenance service"
- 2023.03.24
- FY2022 JEPIC Seminar in Cambodia on "Operation and Maintenance of GIS Substation"
- 2023.03.14
- INDONESIA-JAPAN ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY WORKSHOP in Jakarta on "Solar Photovoltaic Utilization for Sustainable Electricity" 2022
- 2023.02.28
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (JFY2022) "Promotion of Hydropower Development"
- 2023.01.18
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Group & Region Focus) "Stabilizing Power Systems to Introduce Various Kinds of Renewable Energy (A)" JFY 2022
- 2023.01.12
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (FY2022)"Power Distribution Grid (B)"
- 2023.01.04
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (JFY2022)"Thermal Power Operation and Maintenance for Efficient Use"
- 2022.11.28
- 2022 HAPUA - JEPIC symposium
- 2022.11.22
- Presentation by Mr. Dufour of EDF
- 2022.10.21
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (FY2022)"Power Grid Planning and Operation (A)"
- 2022.10.03
- Cooperation agreement with PLN
- 2022.08.15
- Specialists from World Bank visited our office
- 2022.06.28
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (JFY2022) "Power Distribution Grid (A)"
- 2022.06.27
- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (FY2021)"Power Grid Planning and Operation (B)"
- 2022.04.22
- FY 2021 JEPIC Online Seminar with Cambodia