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March 2023
Japan Electric Power Information Center, Inc.

on "Solar Photovoltaic Utilization for Sustainable Electricity" 2022

JEPIC has been conducting bilateral seminar program with electric utilities in ASEAN countries with strong support from electric power companies in Japan. The purpose of the program is to strengthen their business infrastructure such as basic and expertise technologies, management and human resources development.

JEPIC and PLN, the Indonesian electric power corporation, held their bilateral cooperation workshop in 2022 at the first in Jakarta. After the initiation, JEPIC and PLN will have been continuing annual workshop in Indonesia as well as in Japan.

In cooperation with Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Co., Kansai Transmission and Distribution Co., The Okinawa Electric Power Co. and TEPCO Power Grid, Inc., JEPIC and PLN held the 20th - 22nd workshop in Indonesia in December 2022, as outlined below;

Date of the Workshop:20th - 22nd December, 2022
Workshop Place:Jakarta City, Indonesia
Theme of the Seminar:"Solar Photovoltaic Utilization for Sustainable Electricity"
Participants:4 engineers and approx.70 participants from PLN
Mission Members:2 experts from Hokuriku Electric Power Transmission
& Distribution Co. , Inc.
1 expert from Kansai Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc.
1 expert from The Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.
2 experts from TEPCO Power Grid Co., Inc.
4 secretaries from JEPIC
Approx.70PLN participants attended the Workshop from many regions in Indonesia. After the presentation, we had a fruitful discussion and shared opinions.

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