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March 2023
Japan Electric Power Information Center

FY2022 JEPIC seminar in Laos on "Monitoring and maintenance planning of
distribution system and emergency outage maintenance service"

JEPIC has been conducting bilateral seminar programs with electric utilities in ASEAN Countries with strong support from electric power companies in Japan. The programs' purpose is to strengthen ASEAN Countries' business infrastructure such as basic and expertise technologies, management method and human resources development.

As one of the programs, JEPIC held local seminars for Electricite Du Laos (EDL) & Electricite Du Cambodge (EDC) together from FY2006 for 5 years. Subsequently, JEPIC has held local seminars for EDL and EDC respectively from FY2011.

JEPIC has held local seminars for EDL and EDC respectively from FY2011.

Date of the Seminar:February 13th - 15th, 2023
Seminar Place:Vientiane City, Laos
Theme of the Seminar:Monitoring and maintenance planning of
distribution system and emergency outage maintenance service
Mission Member from Japan:2 experts from Kyushu Electric Power Transmission
   and Distribution Co., Inc.
3 secretaries from JEPIC
50 participants from EDL attended the seminar. We made a lot of fruitful discussion and shared opinions as to Monitoring and Maintenance planning of Distribution System and Emergency outage Maintenance Service.

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