March 2019
Japan Electric Power Information Center

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Information exchange with Chinese Nuclear Power Related Companies and Organizations

   JEPIC holds above - mentioned meetings regularly with Chinese nuclear power utilities, namely, CNNC, CGN and SPIC.
   This year we dispatched 5 engineers from Japan Utilities and they also visited third-generation plants.

1. Date
  February 25 - March 1, 2019

2. Main Topics
  Addressing new type of light water reactor's safety
   (1) SA (Severe Accident) countermeasure and instrumentation system for SA phenomena (EPR)
   (2) Passive safety technology introduction to current conventional plant
   (3) External hazard induced from natural phenomena

3. Site Visit
  Taishan plant (EPR type: 1,750MWe), Sanmen plant (AP1000 type: 1,250MWe)