July 2017

JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (JFY2017)“Power Distribution Grid (A)”

Japan Electric Power Information Center (JEPIC) performed a technical training program under the contract with JICA.
The training was implemented under the cooperation of The Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.
as follows,

Date May 15 (Mon.)~ June 15 (Thu.), 2017
Organization Japan Electric Power Information Center, Inc.
The Okinawa Electric Power Co., Inc.

Total 9 countries, 10 participants
Afghanistan (1), Jamaica (1), Liberia (1), Marshall Islands (1), Nauru (1), Palau (1), Philippines (2),

Sierra Leone (1), Tonga (1)




Outline of the Electric Power Industry in Japan,
Protective Relay System,
Distribution Facilities (Overhead & Underground),
Planning of Distribution Facilities,
Maintenance of Distribution Line,
Automated Distribution System,
Renewable Energy and Its Effects on Distribution Line, etc.

・Site visit
Load Dispatching Center,
Mega-Solar Demonstration Facility in Miyako Island,
Internal Combustion Generation Facility and Tiltable Wind
Turbine in Minami Daito Island,
Manufacturers of Concrete Pole and Transformers,
Distribution Facilities Factory,
Lightning Technology Center, etc.