June 2016

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Technical Information Exchange with Russian JSC Concern Rosenergoatom

JEPIC dispatched four experts to Russia for the above-mentioned Meeting with JSC Concern Rosenergoatom (Rosenergoatom). The sixth meeting was conducted as one of tools of technical exchange of information under the MOU between Rosenergoatom and JEPIC.


1. Date

May 23 - 29, 2016
2. Main Topic
Enhancing Safety Measures of Generation III Reactor
3. Presentation
・Outline of Nuclear Power Generation in Japan
・Outline of New Regulatory Requirements based on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident and Application to the existing Reactors (BWR/PWR)
・Outline of APWR (Advanced Pressurised Water Reactor)
(2) Rosenergoatom
・Evolutionary Development of VVER (Voda Voda Energo Reactor)
・Outline of VVER-1200
・Outline of VVER-TOI
(3) Information Exchange
(4) Participation in Tenth International Scientific and Technical Conference <<Safety, Efficiency and Economics of Nuclear Power Industry>> (MNTK-2016)
4. Technical Visit
・Novovoronezh NPP (Nuclear Power Plant)


Information Exchange at Rosenergoatom Headquarters


Training Center at Novovoronezh NPP
