June 2016

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JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program (JFY2016)“Power Distribution Grid (A)”

Japan Electric Power Information Center (JEPIC) performed a technical training program under the contract with JICA.
The training was implemented under the cooperation of The Okinawa Electric Power Co.,Inc. as follows,

Date May 16 (Mon.)~ June 16 (Thu.), 2016
Organization Japan Electric Power Information Center
The Okinawa Electric Power Company

Total 10 countries, 13 participants
Djibouti (1), Liberia (2), Malawi (1), Palau (1), Papua New Guinea (1), Rwanda (1), Sierra Leone (3),

Uganda (1), Zambia (1), Zimbabwe (1)


Outline of the Electric Power Industry in Japan,
Outline of Distribution Facilities (Overhead & Underground),
Planning of Distribution Facilities,
Maintenance of Distribution Line,
Renewable energy and its connection to the grid,
Rural electrification,
Outline of Protective relay System

・Site visit
Construction site of Distribution Line,
Load Dispatching Center,
Internal Combustion Generation Facility and Tiltable Wind Turbine in Tarama Island,
Manufacturers of Concrete Pole and Transformers,
Distribution Facilities Factory,
Lightning Technology Center, etc.