April 2014

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Technical Information Exchange with Russian JSC Concern Rosenergoatom

The forth Technical Information Exchange Meeting was held in Russia.
JEPIC dispatched three experts from Japan.
This meeting was conducted as a one of tools of technical exchange of information under the MOU entered between ROSENERGOATOM and JEPIC.

March 2nd – March 8th, 2014
2.Main Topics
Management of Radioactive Waste
・The Great East Japan Earthquake and Current Status of NPS in Japan
・Radioactive Waste Management
・Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste
・Main performance indicators of NPP in Russia. Radioactive Waste management
・Creation of information system of Radioactive Waste management support
・Development of information system for Decommissioning
・Set up of plasma facility for Radioactive Waste Processing at Novovoronezh NPP
・Set up of processing facility for greased discharge ion-exchange resins
・Experience of RAW management at Radon.
4.Technical Visit
・Kola Nuclear Power Station Radioactive Waste management Facility
・Farms of trout and sturgeon used thermal discharge from NPS

meeting at Head Office

meeting at Kola NPP

Farms of trout and sturgeon